What Does it Really Mean to be a 100% American Made Product?

It is our opinion at American Gunsmith Tooling that
"100% Made in America"
Means Exactly What It Say's
1. Products must be manufactured at an American Facility with American Work Force.
2. Manufacturer must use American Made Raw Materials in manufacturing of said product.
Our Tooling is Literally the Best Tooling on the Planet Because of Reasons 1 and 2.
If a company claims to be "100% Made in America" and they buy imported raw materials to manufacture their product, they are probably technically right and morally wrong. If it was American Made with Imported raw materials, then the company should not claim 100% 'Made in America." Make no mistake some companies, will make this claim!
We here at American Gunsmith Tooling will always be transparent. If our product states that it is 100% American Made, you can be assured that it is. That is our promise to you, our customers!